Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Rain comes in the night, pounding on the tin roof and turning packed dirt into thick clay mud. I woke once to listen to the rain, felt a few drops on my bed and went back to sleep! This morning the temperature had dropped to a lovely cool 76. The town was quiet except for tiny yellow birds singing. I was reading in my mediation book when my neighbor (on the other side of a half inch plywood wall) called out to me. I had hung clothes out to dry yesterday and assumed they were soaking wet. She had gone out when the rain started and brought them in to hang in her house. Yep, it´s about generousity...

I am very happy in my little house. I can read, study, work and rest in a relatively quiet place. The funny thing is that if I´d started in this house, I´d probably think it was noisy because there are 3 little kids next door, a dog and the TV. But now it seems peaceful!

This morning I talked again with the midwife at the local clinic about classes. I showed her the childbirth class phamplets and other educational material sent from the states (thanks to Kathy G, Sara D and Norma). She was so excited because materials like this are rare here. She´s petitioned for a room for me to teach childbirth classes. Last night I met a young woman just back from physical therapy studies in Lima who wants to help me with my projects. I asked her to help me learn the Spanish I need to teach childbirth classes. I´ve got a long way to go...


1 comment:

Larry P. said...

Glad to hear of the peace. Through your experience I am not taking water or quiet for granted. Happy birthday to Sean. Snow melted here. Wish I could have shipped you some.

Childbirth classes in Spanish sound like a real challenge. Heck, child birth sounds like a real challenge! Good thing we're not depending on men to do it. Sending peaceful vibes for some cozy nights and many good night sleeps.