Monday, September 15, 2008

First day in training

Wow. This is intense. I started my day with hot homemade soy milk because my host mother knew I have a lactose intolerance. Hot soy milk, bread, butter and jam. Well, actually I tried to start my day with meditation but a host of pigeons were walking on the tin roof over my room. 15 minutes of yoga worked with the pigeons on the roof. After waking in the night to the war of the dogs outside. I was so tired, I napped over lunch realizing I´d rather sleep than eat!

My host mother introduced me to the combi busses this morning as I take a bus to the training center. When I got off, I thanked God and my host mother that I was still living. Two of my compadres are going back to our community with me tonight and we´ll meet in the morning to go together. I´m too tall to see out the window and know where to get off!

I am still very impressed by the staff here. They really understand adult learning and make things fun. And we have laughed a lot, all of us as we compared notes on our experiences transitioning into our host families and making both cultural and language blunders.

I´m in the most basic Spanish class with 3 extra hours of tutoring every week. My host family is also committed to my Spanish learning. I sat with my host father last night talking religion, politics, earthquakes.

I´m pretty challenged and tired so if you´re reading this, comment as then I´ll know your connected and get your support. Tomorrow I´ll post a new address for snail mail, the address of the training center which is more direct. And the advice they gave in the handbooks about not sending care packages is for real, only music or books as things get stuck in customs, require lots of money and a copy of your passport to get out.

What an adventure!


Unknown said...

Very sweet that they had soy milk for you, my gosh. Hopefully you are tired enough to sleep through the dogwars. Keep up with the yoga! Are you intimidated by the spanish or is it okay? Sounds like they do a great job with the program. Made granola for alex tonight, boy did the taste remind me of here tonight full of problems in the financial markets, imagine it will be felt in peru too.

Love you, take good care.

Unknown said...

Hi...Well, it's 8:15 here and the packers just left. Your blog just made me laugh and laugh...too tall to see out and know where to get off the bus! How sweet that your host Mother made you special milk...I think you have landed in a lovely nest, despite the dogwars. Your "reticular activating system" will soon toon them out.
Talk about taking too much stuff (yesterday's blog), I think my little house in Arizona is going to be overstuffed with the boxes of things from the kitchen alone in this house...Will definitely have to have another garage sale.
Movers load the truck in the morning and it's off to AZ. I'm off to AZ Thursday morning for Miriam's 3rd birthday then back here for the next phase of packing and storage.
Love, Susie

Ms. Fabrics said...

I'm SO happy for you, Sara. This is something that you'll look back on someday and wonder how you would have lived without living this adventure. I can't wait to read more!!!
-Carrie Waters Schmidt

Helen Schneider said...

Having a bit of a problem posting a comment. Am following the blog though. You sound good. Helen

Helen Schneider said...

WELL--now that that worked...mailed a snail mail today. Curious to know how long it takes. Somehow, your stories reminded me of being in Oaxaca, hearing the people next door partying, the rooster a street over crowing and the vendor calling out "Agua! Agua!"
Does having too much stuff mean that you could go somewhere for 3 weeks with 25 pounds? Did you find a kazoo?

pazpromoter said...

Hi, Sara! It sounds like you're handling everything well! That is so nice that they had soy milk for you! I'm so happy & excited for you. It brings up a lot of my own memories of training! I actually miss the noise the birds made on my zinc roof in Panama every morning & the dogs & roosters...