The youngest kid in the house at naptime!
I'm through the holidays and ready to begin more serious work but everything takes place in Peruvian time which means that some meetings happen and some don't. I'm scheduled to begin teaching English classes for teenagers who are out of school for the summer, a class on self esteem for a youth group and do nutrition counseling at the health clinic. I'll see what really happens!
And I've asked my family to help me find a solution to the sleepless nights I frequently have living with 12 people in a room that has only 3/4 wall alongside the living room. We've come up with some possibilities that I hope to see materialize in the next month but then I still think in terms of US time not Peruvian time...
I always love comments on my blog because then I know it's being read! And then I feel like I have a cheering squad at home which cheers me on those days when culture shock seems very real.
Just so you know I'm a daily checker on your blog. I know it's tough going right now but hang in there. Estas en la lucha tia y puedes ganar en su poquita parte del mundo!
Hi Sara, I read your stories almost daily, least Mon - Fri, then catch up on any I have missed. A very good read and worthwhile cause!!!
Hi Sara,
I will second Greg's comment. I check your blog daily and if I don't comment, it does not mean I don't think about you;).
We are still looking for jobs here.
Hi Sara....LOVED the photo of you taken at the Quincineras celebration. You look terrific. Here in Arizona, we are covering plants every evening right now because of frost...imagine that with all the summer days you are having. Kaylors regularly read your blog and love every entry....your post-Peru book will be a delight!
I finally caught up with you after a long hiatus. Happy New Year. Things have been totally crazy here too, but meetings mostly happen, and siestas don't as you will remember! The snow is predictably falling with a record amount for December. My New York kids announced they were going to Provence to get married over New Year (Alleluia and about time). Does your Skype work for the US? Think of you often, but am not a faithful blogger. Love Roz
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