Last night, I was about to go nuts from the television in my house and a very noisy circus half a block away. The circus goes on until about midnight with a tremendous speaker system blaring music. Then the rain started, the lights went out, the music and TV stopped. That didn’t mean quiet in my house because the usual family uproar continued by candlelight but the circus folded for the night. When I woke to the sound of rain in the night I realized the roof over my room was leaking in places but I couldn’t tell where in the dark so in a moment of paranoia, I took my computer to bed with me! I could take anything else getting soaked but not my laptop. When morning came I really only had a puddle on one side of the room.
The rain is a welcome change from unrelenting sun bringing fresh air and water for the plants but there’s also a down side. The dry riverbed that runs through the town is used as a garbage dump so it is filled with garbage, vultures and huge pigs. When the rains come, the river bed fills and the garbage goes to the sea. So today, the paradox of a gorgeous marine blue sea contrasted with the swelling rivers carrying garbage. I walked along the shore this evening at sunset with one of the children chasing the crabs that scuttle along the beach and splashing in the warm water. Now I’m waiting for water, hoping for a bucket bath and water to wash clothing tomorrow. And waiting for the circus to end.
That reminds me of rain in Puerto Rico... It was so nice when it rained and the temperature dropped. I enjoyed so much the smell of the rain and the earthy smell of the soil. Very soothing and calming...
Well Tía Sara, espero que descanses bien. Cuidate mucho, te quiero un montón!
My mom always complains about the rain because she says when it starts, it feels like it will never stop. I disliked the mental image of the riverbed dumping into the ocean but am glad plants and other wildlife will benefit. Do you think earplugs may help? I don't know if it's on the loooong list of things prohibited from sending to Peru but I can look into it if your interested. I hope those books I'm sending today will reach you promptly.
- Sara
Ceasar's new nick-name is "BirdBreath". Yesterday, he had just ole regluar bird for dinner and that was nothing compared to the quail he had for dinner last week. Why --- ??? I want to know, does he think it tastes better if he brings it in the house and eats it under my bed, rather than just eating it out in the yard.> It's not like the weather is bad these days, in fact the weather has been so nice, I've been taking MY dinner outside to eat on the patio.
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