Friday, October 3, 2008

At the end of week 3

I must say time is flying. The first week hear seemed like a month and this week went from Monday to Friday in a blur. I consider it a huge accomplishment that I am no longer afraid of the combi's, ride them home at night and yell at the driver if he looks like he´s going to miss my stop. I´ve lost weight from walking a lot. Today I took a moto taxi downhill because I had linger talking with my host mom at breakfast. Never again. About halfway down the hill when the driver hit maximum velocity, I closed my eyes and said, "Jesus, just let me live to the bottom of the hill!" And of course I did!

I understand most of what is said in classes that are all in Spanish. Sometimes I can talk pretty well and sometimes I open my mouth to watch a stream of unrelated words pour out in no particular order. I give my host family a lot of laughs. Like the time when I said that I have a man instead of I am hungry. Now I always remember the difference between hambre and hombre. One little vowel...

This week our language teachers took us to a large open market and turned us loose with the assigment of buying as much as we could for 2 soles (about 75 cents). We had to practice bartering, learn prices, interact with the shopkeepers in a warren of tiny stalls. It was actually a lot of fun followed by great ice cream. My partner and I bought a bag of onions, a bag of potatoes, a bag of peeled garlic cloves, 14 buttons and some ginger. He gets the credit for the bartering as he´s a tall handsome fellow with blue, blue eyes. Turned his charm on the shopkeepers and prices went down.

I am constantly amazed at the landscape. I´ve never seen anything so dry. The hills all around are stark naked bare of vegetation. Dust swirls frequently and the kids in my family are sick with respiratory illness. There are surprising and totally unknown bird songs, I only recognize the dove calls.

I´m pretty content and very curious now about what my work site will be like. Next week I´m doing a presentation for my health program group on breastfeeding. We´re learning a lot about methods of nonformal education. I wish I´d had this training years ago because I´d have used it over and over again. Today we had a whole morning of demonstrations on nonformal education complete with puppet shows, baking banana bread in an improvised oven over a fire and making rehydration fluids. Very practical, very hands on.

Cheers from Peru!


pazpromoter said...
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pazpromoter said...

I love reading your blog--It makes me want to rejoin the Peace Corps something fierce! So when are you going to be ready for visitors? I'm so coming to visit.
Rebecca Martin

Unknown said...

Had tea with Ann and John today and Ann told me more about those COMBI's you keep talking about....oh dear; I do think your fear is well-founded! Stay off the ones going downhill...your instincts are good!

Can only imagine how you'll bargain for food when you come back to the US...and our excesses will appall you.

Just two more days in the 'nest" here and then I'm moving on...Ashland for a few days, Sacramento for a few days, and then to Arizona for the winter. It's cold in Seattle today...and yesterday we had a storm that knocked out the to see from my perch just 50 feet or so above the water. Even the seagulls were flying backwards in the wind.

Hope you had a bit of a restful weekend...take very good care.
XO Susie

Ken said...

Hi Sara, I'm about to start my afternoon clinic, a good time to read about your adventures. I remember those markets, like a self contained universe that I never even began to understand. I could have used some of the training you're getting.

The Fall is arriving here, and you probably aren't seeing much seasonal change in the arid foothills.


Unknown said...

I just caught up with the blog. I am on my way to the UK on Wednesday. You sound as if you're having a tiring and exciting time. I feel exhausted just reading it. Hang in there old lady!
I hope the snail mail I sent to the other address gets to you eventually!
Love Roz

Mary C. said...

Hey Sara ! I finally figured out how to set up an account, thanks to Julia. You sound tired but so happy ! I love reading how things are going and hope this finds you well. Sending lots of love, Mary.