Thursday, November 6, 2008

Big day for Peace Corps Volunteers!

Well, today we got our assignments for 2 years, learned who will be close to us and got a brief bit of information about our host families. This is one very happy woman!

I´ve been assigned to a town called La Cruz (or sometimes called Calida Cruz) in the province of Tumbes. This is a town of 10,000 RIGHT ON THE OCEAN in the north of Peru on the Pan American highway. I´ll be 25 minutes from the capitol of the province and a very short distance from the border of Equador. The climate will be very hot (close to the equator) and the beaches are said to be some of the most beautiful in Peru. This area is also excellent for birdwatching as there are some reserves nearby that you go into by boat. There will be lots of seafood and fresh fruit.

Not only is the location great, but the work assignment is a perfect fit for me. I´ll be working with the staff at a midsized clinic in an area where teen pregnancies and rising HIV rates are problematic. I´ll be working close to the sites of 2 other volunteers from my group who were on field based training with me. Sarah and Robin will be great to work with, we all have different backgrounds and abilities that are complementary and we´ll enjoy working together. There´s a Peace Corps volunteer, Michael, in a nearby town that is extending his service for a 3rd year to work on an HIV prevention initiative. I met him last week and am really happy to be working with him. The first week we´re in site is the start of a year long HIV initiative so next week I get to use my barely adequate Spanish to invite the mayor of my town to go to a kick off meeting in the capitol with me.

As you can probably tell, I´m a little panicked about being on my own with my language abilities but it had to happen sooner or later! I´ll be living with a family of 7, will have electricity, water service 3 days a week, phone in the house, cell phone and internet service in the community. So I will be able to stay in touch easily. Anyone coming to visit will fly to Guayaquil, Equador and take a bus down rather than flying to Lima and taking the LONG bus ride north. And the capitol of Tumbes has an airport.

We ended the day with a talent show put on by all the different language learning groups. Yours truly sang and danced in a chorus line!

So as you can tell, I´ve landed in Peace Corps heaven and am one happy woman.



Anonymous said...

How absolutely wonderfully fantastic for you!!! Once again I am sitting here with a hint of jealousy - wishing I could be there with you! Funny how you can go so far away and end up working with another Sarah....
Love, Sara

Anonymous said...

Hello! Is the Peace Corps wonderful like I thought? I bet it is! Your Peace Corps adventure reminds me of going to Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park. It was beautiful there! Peru sounds like a beautiful place. I sit wishing I was there with you. Have a fun time!


NoraBee said...

Congratulations! I am extending my work for another year and we will only be 12-18 hrs. away from one another (depending on highway conditions) - which isn't too far considering Peru standards! As an FYI my dear friends just flew out of Guayaquil and had an awful experience, so I don't know if I would recommend people visit/fly into/out of Guayaquil. very dangerous. Carino, nora

Barb S said...


Congratulations on your assignment. As I sit here and type this, snow flurries are flying. Hope you will have enough time to enjoy the sun, sand and beach.


Susan T said...

Hi Sara! I just learned from Sara Ponce that you have a blog...I didn't know! Your description of the election brought tears to my was amazing here in Berkeley! We're all so happy!I love your sounds like you're having a marvelous adventure. You go girl!
Love, Susan

Arlene said...

Hi Sara,
Greetings from Arlene in Alubquerque! Sounds wonderful, glad you got an interesting location and assignment, can't wait to come visit sometime. Will be staying here for the holidays and taking Nov 25th off of work to remember Mom, cannot believe it will be 3 yrs. All is well here, looking forward to winter break, the University will close for a week and a half, paid time off, yeah!!! Love, Arlene.

Arlene said...

Hi Sara,
Greetings from Arlene in Alubquerque! Sounds wonderful, glad you got an interesting location and assignment, can't wait to come visit sometime. Will be staying here for the holidays and taking Nov 25th off of work to remember Mom, cannot believe it will be 3 yrs. All is well here, looking forward to winter break, the University will close for a week and a half, paid time off, yeah!!! Love, Arlene.

Ken said...

I can't imagine a better assignment. The work sounds right up your alley, and you can have some nature escapes now and then. Good to hear that you'll have some other vols nearby too.

Just finished a birthday party for Sam, #9. He made off with a skateboard, Stratego, a watch and a wallet. He was one happy boy.
